Some choice insults in Gaelic, Irish, Shelta and Yola;
Gaelic seems to be particularly rich in insults as befits such a literate culture;
a) Fat/Obese/;
mèith (fat and greasy or oily)
meathas (fat and flabby or effeminate, now that's a good one, why don't we have a word for this?)
moirgean (a short fat person)
reamhar (fat, plump, fleshy)
sultach (flabby)
blaomastair ~ Stupid fellow, dolt, blockhead. 2 Blusterer, bully. 3(JM) One who talks in an irrelevant and pompous way. The general idea expressed by this word in the Western Isles is one suffering from a mental defect. (this is a great word, very evocative, looks like blowhard although the two words are not related)
blaomastaireachd ~ Stupid blundering. 2 Preposterous-ness. 3(JM) Boisterous talking, vain boasting.
briollanach ~ Stupid, boorish, ignorant.
eacartha ~ Stupid.
gleogair ~ Stupid, dull fellow. 2 Talkative fellow. 3 Arrogant fellow. 4 Lazy fellow. 5†† Sloth. 6(DMC) Trifler.
gleogaireachd ~ Stupid behaviour. 2 Idle talk. 3 Awkward gestures. 4.Sloth. 5 to be rroganct. 6. Talkativeness.
gleogamas ~ Stupid drowsy fellow.
glòbag ~ Stupid
gogair ~ Stupid fellow, fool.
sgleamhraidh ~ Stupid, senseless person. 2 Awkward, untidy fellow. 3 Mean or ignorant fellow. 4 Bumpkin
stuacach ~ Stupid, boorish, churlish, gruff.
toirchimeach ~ Stupid. 2 Benumbed.
dobht ~ Stupid man. 2 Partially demented man.
dota ~ Stupid fellow.
burracaid ~ Stupid or silly female.
burrait ~ Stupid. 2Beastly.
claonaire ~ Stupid fellow, used of a person whose wits are considered to be less sharp than the normal.
damhail ~ Stupid, boorish. 2 Of, or belonging to, oxen.
diomhothaigheach ~ Stupid, an idiot
spollachdair ~ Stupid person, blockhead.
amhlair ~ Dull, stupid or ignorant person. 2 Fool, idiot. 3** Changling. 4 Driveller. 5** Brutish man.
gamal ~ Fool, stupid person.
gleòman ~ Silly stupid fellow. 2 Sluggish man, drowsy person. 3.Dull person.
muirghineach ~ Dull, stupid.
reimheach ~ Arrogant, proud, petulant, conceited.
toicheastalach ~ Arrogant, presuming, self-suffcient, arrogant, opinionated.
brodail ~ Proud, arrogant, conceited, forward. Tha e cho brodail ris a' mhac mhallachd, he it as proud as Lucifer.
baisealach ~ Proud, arrogant.
àrd-inntinneach ~ Haughty, arrogant, proud, vain. Na bi àrd-inntinneach, be not high-minded.
neo-ìogarra ~ Haughty, arrogant. Gu neo-ìogarra, haughtily.
tòstalach ~ Presumptuous, arrogant.
diomasach ~ Proud, arrogant, bold, haughty, defying. 2** Disrespectful.
barpail ~ Arrogant.
uaibhreach ~ Proud, haughty, arrogant person.
ràideachas ~ Boastful speech, arrogant language, arrogance, pride. 2 Saying. 3 Report. 4 Trial of skill.
sraonaiseach ~ Huffish, snuffy. 2 Arrogant. 3 Querulous, petulant.
ceannardach ~ pushy, arrogant, proud, imperious, dictatorial. 2 Confident, dogmatical
ràiteachail -e, a. Boasting, vainglorious, arrogant. Daoine ràiteachail, boasters.
breugaire ~ Liar, (it's resemblance to beggar is interesting)
sabhdair ~ A foolish braggart
brionach ~ Liar
tul-bhreugadair -ean, sm Impudent liar.
tlusach ~ Dissembler, liar.
feallair ~ Deceiver, traitor. 2 Liar.
bradag ~ Thievish woman.
fallsaire ~ Sophist, false philosopher. 2.Falsifier. 3** Liar, deceiver, traitor. (obvious resemblance to false can not be a coincidence)
truthair ~ Traitor, villain. 2 Filthy fellow. 3 Prevaricator, liar, deluder, knave. 4 (* truthaire) Bankrupt.
breugach ~ Lying, false, deceitful. 2. Flattering, cajoling, soothing. 3.Deceived. Is breugach thu an-diugh, you are deceiving today; tha e cho breugach 's a tha an cat cho bradach, he is as much a liar as the cat is a thief [an emphatic way of saying a man is a liar]; "tha e breugach" / he is untruthful; N"ach breugach thu! / how much you lie!"
uspair ~ Ugly or lumpish fellow.
iol-ghràineach ~ Very ugly, horrid, causing disgust.
aidheitighe ~ Very ugly.
fiamh a Ugly, disgusting, horrible.
grath a. Fearful, ugly.
leòbasach ~ Having an ugly mouth or hanging lips.
buaf ~ Any ugly venomous creature.
sgràideanach ~ Diminutive and ugly. 2 Shabby. 3 Having an ugly diminutive person. 4.Puny.
sgraidht ~ Shrivelled and ugly old woman.
sgràideach ~ Shrivelled and ugly.
striamalach ~ Anything long and ugly. 2 Tall, ugly person. 3†† Long trailing appendage.
droch-ghnùiseach ~ Ill-favoured, ugly.
mì-eireachdail ~ Unhandsome, unseemly, ugly. Giùlan mì-eireachdail, unseemly conduct; gu mì-eireachdail, ungenteely.
crainn ~ Ugly old woman
duaichnidh ~ Deformed, disfigured. 2.Ugly 3.Gloomy, horrible, dismal, black. 4 Ghastly, death-like. 5.More or most ugly
ain-fhiùghach ~ a Worthless. 2 Insignificant, contemptible.
ceacharran ~ Worthless, pusillanimous person.
cosmaileach ~ Worthless.
mì-fhiù ~ Worthless, useless.
prabair ~ Worthless fellow, good-for-nothing
priobair ~ Worthless fellow, blinkard. 2 Miser.
suarachan ~ Worthless person.
truileach ~ Worthless person.
truille ~ Worthless, dirty person.
fudaidh ~ Useless
ruinnseach ~ Base or worthless woman
dreoll ~ Paltry, worthless fellow. 2 see dreall.
pliobair ~ A Flunkey, worthless fellow.
cuiliosal ~ a Vile, worthless, useless person.
gàirsgeal ~ Rabble, band of worthless persons.
leibideach ~ Trifling, mean, worthless, contemptible. 2 Accidental. 3 Awkward. 4 Avaricious. 5 Tawdry. 6 Annoying, vexatious.
feall-duine ~ Worthless man. 2 Deceiver, traitor.
mosach ~ Nasty. 2 Filthy. 3 Worthless. 4 Insignificant. 5 Sordid, mean, avaricious, niggardly.
fuath-thoilltinneach ~ Hateful, abominable, deserving of hatred.
fuathach ~ Hateful, abhorrent 2 demoniacal.
fuathmhor ~ Hateful, disagreeable. 2 Terrific. 3 Horrible. 4 Hating, disliking. 5** Spectral. 6** Unclean. Gach eun fuathmhor, every unclean bird.
gràineil ~ Abominable, hateful, loathsome, odious, disagreeable, detestable, abject. 2 Nasty. Nach gràineile an duine? is not man more abominable?
doinidh ~ a Loathsome, contemptible, hateful - Sàr-Obair.
naoidheanta ~ Childish, child-like infantile.
pàisteanach ~ Childish. puerile
draingeis ~ Snarling, carping. 2. Childish bickering.
troileis ~ Any trifling thing. 2. Childish merriment
In Irish;
ramhar ~ fat or obese person
lodartha ~ flabby (somewhat resembles "lard" but the two words are probably not related)
bómánta ~ stupid
amadán ~ Idiot (man)
óinseach ~ Idiot (woman)
díomhaoin ~ useless
beagmhaitheasach ~ worthless
neamhfhiúntach ~ worthless
Scraiste, duine gan mhaith ~ a worthless person
Ní fiú a bheith leis ~ it is worthless talking to him
díomasach ~ arrogant
sotalach ~ arrogant
duine ardnósach ~ snob
mórluachach ~ snob
bogásach ~ smug
béalchráifeach ~ sanctimonious/holier than thou
uallach ~ conceited
giodalach ~ vain
bréagadóir ~ liar (I wonder if there is a connection with "braggart")
calaois ~ fraud
camastaíl ~ fraud
cealg ~ deceit / fraud
calaoiseach ~ lies
fealltach ~ fraud
mealltach ~ deception
gránna ~ ugly
míofar ~ ugly
gráiciúil ~ ugly
olc ~ Evil (adj)(the first two here are interesting, I wonder if Tolkien, who did study Gaelic, based his Orks on these. The resemblance to Ogre is also obvious)
olcas ~ (pl)
droch ~
diabhalta(adj) ~ devilish or diabolic or demonic
diabhlaíocht(n) ~ devilment
D'imigh an diabhal air! ~ He's a real devil!
In Shelta (The Lied of The Irish Travelers);
Nyaak / Nyaakish ~ dishonest, crooked
mugathath ~ stupidity
mong ~ fool
mugathawn ~ idiot
sramaler ~ thief
sumoal ~ crook
In Yola;
Clouk ~ An idiot
Dhonal ~ A dunce
Stouck ~ An idiot, a blockhead
Mope ~ A fool
Gomp ~ a moron
Houghany ~ stupid
Kimleare ~ A bummbler
Goodee-hang ~ Good-for-nothing
Falsakeen ~ A liar ( the relationship to "false" is obvious)
Shaaumeless ~ shameless
Trameal ~ sloth
Stuggoone ~ good-for-nothing
Llean ~ evil
Vaapereet ~ A braggart (another good word)
Villent ~ a crook (taken from villain)
In Cromarty Scots;
Ablach ~ Akward or ungainly
Amitan ~ A fool or idiot
Belligut ~ A glutton or greedy person
Blether-Bus ~ A chatterbox, a person who talks with endless, inane chatter (from the Scots "Blather-Skite")
Boshach-Skeyter ~ Hideously ugly, deformed
Bubba ~ The Devi
Guloot ~ An oaf or moron (from the Scots/Irish term "Galloot")
Haffleen ~ Half-Wit
Lummer ~ A naughty girl, a tramp
Lupikin ~ A rascal or scoundrel
Skilbygelk ~ A worthless good-for-nothing bum
Note; If you're so vain you think these are about you; then they are.